Loss' first full length release. Here is one band that does the funeral doom thing right, and are definitely one of the best within the style along with Mournful Congregation, Skepticism and of course Worship. Another soundtrack to your suicide brought to you by the Lair of Depravity.
I posted a song from these guys a while back, and I've been pretty psyched to hear this EP for a while now. Dark death metal featuring a member of Wormphlegm.
Sump play stomping black metal punk and Sexdrome play hardcore punk/black metal, which equals a great pairing on bands on this split. You should all be familiar with them anyway. Hell yes.
Heavy sludge/death doom with touches of crust from the US. For fans of Coffins, Hooded Menace (who they just released a split with), Corrupted, etc. Highly recommended, this album kicked my arse hard when I first heard it.
This band, featuring members of Sutcliffe Jügend, play simple, menacing and pummeling noise rock, not too dissimilar to Swans, who are my favourite band ever so of course I like them. Maybe you will too. I don't care.